2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Poland's accession to the European Union. This was a hugely important event in the history of our country. This anniversary is an excellent opportunity to showcase the cultural richness of our continent and the values that unite us. United in Art is more than an exhibition - it is a celebration of the shared values that shape our community. It is also a journey through the diversity of human experience and imagination. A combination of distant creative attitudes, yet so close to each other. Art has the power to inspire, educate and connect people across all divides. It offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in diversity, discover new perspectives and experience the power that lies in universal language.

The aim of this exhibition is to look at art as a powerful tool for promoting values ​​that unite people across borders, cultures and traditions. Each work presented here is an expression not only of the artists' talent and vision, but also of their commitment to building a world based on shared values, principles and ideals. The exhibition is not only a tribute to artistic creativity, but also to the common ideals that underlie the European Union: human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, human rights, solidarity and respect for diversity. This unique event is a symbolic meeting of many cultures. In the space of the Masovian Center for Contemporary Art "Elektrownia" in Radom, various aspects of the creative attitudes of thirteen artists from twelve European countries were shown: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Sweden. This review is a unique opportunity to show a large audience the diversity of artistic activities through the prism of contemporary European art. The idea behind this presentation is to look at the possibilities of "connecting through art" between European Union countries and thus building a common identity. The symbolic approach to many topics is not intended to comment on the problems and challenges facing contemporary Europe, but to show that we can significantly reduce the distance between nations. Artists and the art they create play a great role in this. They encourage us to dialogue about our common future, and their works connect us across borders and divisions. Art is an important tool for European integration and dialogue. It is also proof that at the heart of every culture beats a universal desire for beauty, understanding and community.

Curator: Paweł Witkowski

Artists: Artyści: Marcin Berdyszak (Polska), Jiří David (Czechy), Julián Gil (Hiszpania), Evgen Čopi Gorišek (Słowenia), Brian Harte (Irlandia), Pravdoliub Ivanov (Bułgaria), Anders Liden (Szwecja), Katherina Olschbaur (Austria), Laurent Proux (Francja), Aistė Stancikaitė (Litwa), Irmina Staś (Polska), Ecaterina Vrana (Rumunia), Umut Yasat (Niemcy)