Szabolcs Bozó
Szabolcs Bozó’s oeuvre revolves essentially around the fields of drawing and painting. Completely without inhibition, his iconography displays a regressive and joyously school-boyish attitude, whose more subversive flipside emerges from beneath this apparent innocence. In a short space of time, Bozó has forged a style that is immediately recognizable. His flashily colored zoomorphic creatures are set against a white background that is not always perfectly clean, but whatever the case, the essential idea is to communicate energy, abundance and humor.
Painted in large format, his characters often seem cramped within their frames, as if inflated by an excess of tenderness. Taken as a whole, his oeuvre appears as a gallery of endearing creatures, with a human expressiveness that is occasionally all too human.
Bozó’s singular work deliberately flirts with marginality and has developed in the wake of the CoBrA movement (Alechinsky, Appel, Jorn…) in terms of his figures, or of Frank West in its spirit. Certain similarities with Art Brut or contemporary bad painting (Joe Bradley, Spencer Sweeney, etc.) can also be detected in the register and style of his work.
Szabolcs Bozó (b. 1992 in Hungary) lives and works in London. He has enjoyed regular invitations as a resident artist, most notably at the L21 x Camper Foundation in Palma, Spain in 2018 and in Los Angeles in 2020. His work has been shown in contemporary art fairs such as ARCO Madrid in 2019 and in the group exhibition “I’m Trying to Explain” at L21 Gallery, Palma in 2019. His 2020 exhibition at Semiose Gallery will be his first in France.